Smoking Habit

I am a smoker. I have been smoking since 14 years old. I can’t remember well how it could happen. But I think, at the beginning, because of seduction from my friend, a college student called Kentang. We bet some money when playing a chess. The winner took everything.

Before the game was over, my other friend took the money and bought some ciggaretes. At the end, I won the game and felt sad because I didn’t get the money. All my friends who watched the game was laughing loudly. I was angry and took a ciggarete because I didn’t want to lose anything. And it was my first time to feel the pleasure of ciggarete.

My parent knew it. I began build a smoking habit since won the chess game. But it is OK as long as I could help them to run the stall at the tradisional market. Maybe because my father is smoker too. So, maybe smoking was the biggest choice in my teenagers age.

In my community, majority of the people I met were smoker too. What a perfect environment to start a bad habit. But I realized that smoking is a bad habit a few days ago.  And now, I am struggling to quit smoking as soon as possible. For healthy life. For more saving. And stop the nag from my sisters and my mother. I will quit smoking forever. I promise to my self.

Note : Tolong dikoreksi buat yang pintar bahasa Inggris. Di atas adalah kemampuan dasar saya. Belum belajar grammar sama sekali.

23 tanggapan untuk “Smoking Habit

  1. Keputusan yang tepat sekali… rencana untuk berhenti meroko. Merokok itu banyak sekali dampak negatifnya bukan hanya untuk diri sendiri tapi juga orang lain. Bapakku juga perokok dan akhirnya kena jantung. Perokok itu nggak akan pernah bisa disadarkan untuk berhenti merokok kecuali kesadaran itu datangnya dari sendiri. Selamat sudah mendapatkan hidayah itu. Bahasa inggrisnya bisa dimengerti kok. Kalau grammarnya kayaknya udah bener… kalau kata guruku sih belajar bahasa inggris itu jangan takut salah. Just say ‘welcome error’


    1. Saya minderan mbak klo gak ada gurunya. Soalnya klo bingung nanya siapa. Trus takutnya klo salah gak ada yg mengingatkan nanti malah jadi kebiasaan.

      Saya berhenti merokok banyak alasan yg melatarbelakangi. Sekarang masih proses mengurangi rokok seperlunya.

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

  2. ahhhh that’s good! good luck for you. And your writing is pretty good mas, but I think “In my association should be replaced by in my community”, and if you are writing an essay don’t put ‘And’ and ‘But’ in the beginning of the sentence. Just like Bahasa Indonesia, you cannot put ‘Dan’ and ‘tetapi/tapi’ di awal kalimat in formal essay..

    but everything is good! :))


      1. tapi bagus kooo cumam memang ada yg perlu diperbaiki tapi ini ngarahmya ke artikel kan bukan essay?

        latihan writing buat apa misalnya?


        1. Buat gaya2 an ha ha ha…. soalnya ngeliat beberapa blogger posting bahasa inggris keliatan keren. Jadi saya juga pingin kelihatan keren juga. Jadi mesti belajar bahasa inggris.


  3. Wah, akhirnya berani juga diposting mas, lebih baik bgini mas daripada tidak sama sekali. Overall, udah bgus, walau tense (grammar) nya msih prlu pnyempurnaan lg misalnya pada bbrp klimat. Klo pnggunaan kata And saya gak mslh ditulis du awal klimat, pnulis bule pun kdang mlakukannnya, mngingat ini juga bkn esai ilmiah.

    Oya, krn diminta koreksi, ini bbrp koreksi saya mas Shiq4. Pd bbrp klimat di atas, mestinya jd bgini:

    I can’t remember well how it could happen.

    We bet some money when playing a chess. The winner took everything.

    At the end, I won the game and felt sad because I didn’t get the money. All my friends who watched the game were laughing loudly. I was angry and took a ciggarete because I didn’t want to lose anything.

    …..I began to build a smoking habit since I won the chess game. But it was OK as long as I could help them to run the stall at the tradisional market.

    In my community, majority of the people I met were smoker too.

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

  4. Ternyata bgitu ya awal cerita Anda ngerokok.

    Smoga saja berhasil komitmennya utk quit from smoking mas, biar nnti ada tips brhnti mrokok dan bisa bermanfaat bgi yg org lain


    1. Iya… Sebenarnya masih ragu2 di dalam hati mas desfortin. Dulu peenah mau berhenti, cuma waktu itu kondisi kesehatan sedang buruk, pikiran mudah stres, jadi pelariannya ke rokok. Karena sekarang udah sangat baik keswhatannya, makannya mau nyoba berhenti merokok.

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

  5. Wohoo mantap, haha gapapa lah, nanti jga grammar nya nmbah bagus kalo nulis bhs Inggris trs.. mlh klo aku kadang nggak merhatiin tenses, soalnya aku lebih suka ngomongnya..drpd nulisnya :v

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. Klo ngomong saya nggak ada temannya wkwkw….. Saya suka nulis aja. Lumayan buat gaya2 an he he he….. Gara2 liat blogee lain kadang posting dalam bahasa Inggris saya jadi kepingin.

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

  6. All the best! Don’t worry too much about grammatical errors. You’ll learn more as you go. Reading​ English articles and English books will help you improve your English. Just an idea 😊


  7. Wah, sialan itu si Kentang cs, mainnya jebakan. Tapi emang di usia segitu seseorang biasanya gampang banget terpengaruh sama teman-temannya sih. Saya cukup beruntung di usia segitu saya nggak punya banyak temen yang ngerokok.

    BTW, I won’t to give any comment about your english. Because I’m not good at English as well.
    Maybe we can learn english together. Next time you post an article in English, I’ll comment in english 100%. I promise, hahaha


  8. i tried also quit smoking many times, because the cost and fear of health and so on. i focused on bad things it did to me and had to quit. it did not work. dont focus on must and all the bad it does you. Focus on all the good things you get if you quit. make list all the good things: money, health, breathing, more active and lot more. Feel good every step you take to sigaret free world, and you can do it without any cemical helper. i did this way, and today six months sigaret free. i will never smoke again 🙂 im confident:) good luck.


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